Caribbean shipyard for Ovni boat refit

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Caribbean shipyard for Ovni boat refit

Messagepar guidobaroni » 16 Déc 2013, 14:22

Hi everybody,
I recently joined the forum which I find very interesting and full of information.
I own an OVNI 435 launched in 2003. Since 2007 we have been extensively cruising in the Caribbean and are now thinking on moving on towards the Pacific. During this years, annual maintenance (including a deck refitting in 2010 in Trinidad) has been performed during hurricane season in St. Martin, Antigua, Curacao, depending on our last seasonal destination, with variable experiences.

At the end of this season, we are planning a set of maintenance work on the boat (now 10 years old) including rigging, engine, rudder and centerboard elevation mechanisms etc.
We are looking for a boatyard anywhere in the Caribbean which can be recommended for its experience on deep maintenance work on an OVNI. Does anyone have experience and can suggest a specific reference ?
Thanks in advance for your kind replies.
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Inscription: 04 Déc 2013, 17:27
Localisation: Milano, Italy

Re: Caribbean shipyard for Ovni boat refit

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Re: Caribbean shipyard for Ovni boat refit

Messagepar Dummy » 17 Déc 2013, 11:14

Hello Guido and welcome !

Have you checked with Carenantilles in Martinique (LeMarin/Fort de France) ?
Otherwise several shipyards with decent reputation in Trinidad.
There is also a small shipyard on the french side of Saint Martin but it's more the kind of "Do It Yourself" shipyard
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Re: Caribbean shipyard for Ovni boat refit

Messagepar guidobaroni » 17 Déc 2013, 13:19

Hi Dummy and thanks for the reply.
We know that boatyard by name, but we never had the boat there.
Do they have specific experience with Alubat boats (OVNIs in particular) as far as you know ?
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Messages: 1
Inscription: 04 Déc 2013, 17:27
Localisation: Milano, Italy

Re: Re: Caribbean shipyard for Ovni boat refit


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