Changing of centerboard rope - OVNI 345

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Changing of centerboard rope - OVNI 345

Messagepar Pompidos » 05 Mars 2015, 15:46


I have to change the rope for the centerboard (OVNI 345). I´ve read the manual which will give you not so much information. Has somebody fotos from the interior of the centerboard part. How is the rope or cable fixed (1 or 2 shackles; each for one rope) and where is the best entry point, the cover blades in the side or the cover blade on the top after removing the storing cabin in front of the centerboard?
Has the boat to be out of the water or is it possible to change the rope if only the first half is beached/grounded, because the lift in the marina is out of order?

Thankful for any useful hints. :D

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Inscription: 27 Oct 2014, 02:43

Re: Changing of centerboard rope - OVNI 345

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