Hydroem hydraulic pump - Rudder

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Hydroem hydraulic pump - Rudder

Messagepar archess200 » 16 Août 2018, 17:30

Ovni 36, 1996 build. Owned by me for over 12 years, and have had a few problems with the hydraulic pump. The nylon lining to the piston, which has rubber 'O' rings as seals at the top and runs within the aluminium block, has now broken apart and the antifreeze leaks out at the top where the seals do not work. I have been waiting for nearly 2 months for a reply from Hydroem, and I now find they can supply a new part, but at the cost of euros 300 [including postage]. This is a silly price. Considering this is just a part of the whole pump, I can get a new hydraulic pump from a different supplier for half this price.

Has anybody replaced a pump with another manufacturer's pump? Does anybody have a specification for the Hydroem pump, the cc capacity displacement, working pressure and maximum pressure?

These expensive items are prone to problems, having read previous posts.
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Inscription: 16 Août 2018, 17:10

Re: Hydroem hydraulic pump - Rudder

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Re: Hydroem hydraulic pump - Rudder

Messagepar Dummy » 16 Août 2018, 19:46

Hi and welcome on board !
Hydroem used to respond quite well to Ovni owners requests and i am sorry to hear this is not the case anymore. Perhaps a change in key people ??
Anyhow this is the emptiest week of the year rigth now in France (everyone at the beach ! :mrgreen: and more seriously still a lot of companies are closed in August.
I would think with the rudder vang specs you should be able to find another and less pricy hydraulic pump. You may want to contact Alubat SAV in September to get those specs.
Cheers, Kev
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