Installation of bow thruster on Ovni 435

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Installation of bow thruster on Ovni 435

Messagepar Lupa di Mare » 30 Avr 2012, 16:46

We just had a bow thruster, type Side Power SE 100/185 T, on our Ovni 435 Lupa di Mare..

For info, we used about 50 hours for all the aluminium work and another 20-30 hours for installation of controllers and cabling.

In all, the whole operation went rather smoothly. The installation has been tested and all works fine. :lol:

More photos can be made availlable.

Best regards



Lupa di Mare
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Inscription: 30 Avr 2012, 16:07

Re: Installation of bow thruster on Ovni 435

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Re: Installation of bow thruster on Ovni 435

Messagepar Dummy » 30 Avr 2012, 17:15

Many thanks Tore for your feedback and for posting these great pictures which i am sure will be helpful to others !

Please let us know later on if it works still fine under windy conditions. The bottom of the Ovni 435 being rather flat, several members were questioning whether this type of tunnel bow thruster would be efficient on such a boat.
Thanks and Best regards, Kevin
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Re: Re: Installation of bow thruster on Ovni 435


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