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Messagepar ChristianLarsen » 26 Nov 2020, 11:45

Hello everyone !
I'm a new member of the Ovniclub. Currently a GRP sailor, I'm determined to purchase an OVNI within the next 1-2 years. Therefore I'm struggling to learn all I can about the OVNIs. Living up here in the North, and planning to go even further north, when I've the right boat - You know which boat that is ;-) - I'm looking for an insulated boat. Unfortunately my French is not yet quite up to speed... Therefore I hope, that one of You speaking English can help me with this small question:

When a broker, selling an OVNI 395 from 2005, claims that the boat has a “Thermal insulation by an air layer between the deck/roof/hull and the inside fittings”...

.... is that just another way of saying, that the boat is not insulated ? Or is it a prober and established way of insulating the boat ?

Since You speak the most beautiful language on the globe, I hope for Your patience with my language :-)

Best regards,
Christian S Larsen
Roskilde, Denmark
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Inscription: 26 Nov 2020, 11:22
Localisation: Roskilde, Sealand, Denmark

Re: Insulation

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Re: Insulation

Messagepar Dummy » 26 Nov 2020, 14:23

Hello Christian and welcome !
What this broker says is mere bullshit ! Insulating an aluminium boat is quite important not only for the cold, but the condensation too. It requires
some thick layers of proper insulation material.
It's somewhat still possible but not easy at all to insulate a boat afterwards.
Good luck
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Re: Insulation

Messagepar ChristianLarsen » 26 Nov 2020, 16:05

Thank You for welcome, and thanks for Your reply!

It was also kind of my own impression, that that kind of 'insulation' it was 'sales bullshit' by a sales broker ... Thanks for confirming that, and thanks for Your help. That's much appreciated !

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Messages: 1
Inscription: 26 Nov 2020, 11:22
Localisation: Roskilde, Sealand, Denmark

Re: Re: Insulation


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