Leaning floor ?

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Leaning floor ?

Messagepar Cognac » 21 Oct 2009, 21:48

We have just bought an Ovni 395. The floor in the saloon is leaning 1 cm per 100 cm. The same goes for the fore cabin. Actually we believe that the whole boat is leaning. We have a balance load and have made no changes from the factory delivery. Please tell us if more Ovnis/UFOs have the same problem.
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Inscription: 21 Oct 2009, 20:51
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Re: Leaning floor ?

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Re: Leaning floor?

Messagepar Dummy » 21 Oct 2009, 23:45

Hi Cognac,
First welcome to this forum !
Never heard of such an issue since we opened up this forum some 2 and a half years ago. If i understand well your question, the boat is leaning overall, (in which direction ?) meaning that the weights are not balanced ? By the weights i mean everything structural and not coming from the load added afterwards by the crew. How do you measure this ? With a level ? I would assume no wind, no stream and all tanks empty ?? Have you asked Alubat ? If so, what has been their answer ?
Thanks for shedding some light on this amazing issue.

PS : you can become a member by mentionning the number and year of make of your OVNI 395 in your profile. This will open up some sections of the bulletin board only available to members.

Yours, Kevin
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Re: Leaning floor?

Messagepar Dummy » 22 Oct 2009, 06:26

Thinking twice about this, i believe when you look at it and try to measure, all tanks should be full instead of empty and all basic equipment on board e.g. deck fitting, main anchor and its chain, etc.
Is your 1% angle longitudinal or lateral ?
Yours, Kevin
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Re: Leaning floor?

Messagepar Lady Sue » 24 Oct 2009, 11:01

Not sure whether a 1pct angle is really significant. For instance a friend of mine has twice the amount of anchor chain we have had on our boats i.e. usually happy with c.a. 150ft of chain plus a couple hundred ft of Nylon rope. However if you put an additional 150 ft of chain on this rather light boats, and moreover at the far end (bow), you 'll get a significant change in the weight distribution.
Lady Sue
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Re: Leaning floor?

Messagepar CanCan » 29 Oct 2009, 20:11

We made extensive internal and external modifications to our Sonate 28 to convert her to trailer transport use and storage. During this re-fit, many components were moved, deleted or added resulting in a change of trim in both lateral axis when the first sea trials were done last spring. After those trials, some equipage was re-located to bring "CanCan" back into trim and floating on her correct design lines loaded with full fuel and water. The most dramatic of these re-locations and the most effective was the movement of the house battery bank. I think you will find that all sailboats are subject to on-going trim issues depending on loading weights and positions of crew and supplies...which are on-going variables. Design trim is another matter and is usually determined with normal fuel and water loads and the boat in readiness to receive supplies and crew for an intended voyage. This design "trim" should have the boat floating on it's designed "lines" or water footprint as intended by the Designer and Builder...usually level fore and aft and side to side (sometimes with a little bias aft for cockpit drainage). Loading the crew and storage of supplies for a voyage will certainly affect the trim and that is under the planning and control of the skipper to sort out and place added loads to keep the trim as neutral as possible.

Hope this helps...!

Fair Winds from Rob and Gabi aboard CanCan...
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Re: Leaning floor?

Messagepar Cognac » 30 Oct 2009, 20:17

Dummy a écrit:Thinking twice about this, i believe when you look at it and try to measure, all tanks should be full instead of empty and all basic equipment on board e.g. deck fitting, main anchor and its chain, etc.
Is your 1% angle longitudinal or lateral ?
Yours, Kevin

Hello Kevin, Thank you for your replies. I have added the model and the year in my profile. But the number is still onboard - so I will do this in spring 2010 when I´ll be back in La Rochelle.

The leaning is along the waterline (higher in the stern than in the aft). The boat was tied to the jetty in the La Rochelle harbour when measuring (i. e. no wind, no currents). Also the anchor + chain was in the anchor box = if anchored the problem will get worse. I have measured with a leveller (2.5 m long) - with all tanks full and the boat normally equipped. The leaning is easy to recognize (even without the leveller) everywhere in the front cabin as well as in the salon and the aft cabin. I have asked the Alubat dealer in La Rochelle about this very strange issue, but no reply from them (or Alubat) yet. This is why I use this forum. It is also quite uncomfortable/impossible to sleep in the front cabin (with our feet in a position several cm (5-6?) higher than the head. The boat is not strangely loaded or equipped in any way. I am happy to hear though that I seem to be the only one with this problem. This should mean that Alubat has made a mistake in their production. I will now approach the dealer again. I am of course all ears for further comments/tips from members of this forum. Thank´s again. Rolf & Rosita.
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Inscription: 21 Oct 2009, 20:51
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Re: Leaning floor?

Messagepar Careka » 12 Juin 2010, 11:46

Well, is there any news about this ? have you been to the boat, and what do Alubat say ?
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Re: Re: Leaning floor?


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