Lewmar steering system Ovni 435

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Lewmar steering system Ovni 435

Messagepar Meinalubat » 16 Mai 2017, 12:30

Hello people on my OVNI 435 is built-in a steering system of Lewmar / Whitlock, Cobra Premiere XL. This must be dismantled and repaired.
I need information about this, possibly with drawing and pictures. Especially, whether the stainless steel rod is to be dismantled upwards or downwards. I also need information on spare parts procurement, in particular ball bearings and the lower stop ring PREM.
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Re: Lewmar steering system Ovni 435

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Re: Lewmar steering system Ovni 435

Messagepar Dummy » 16 Mai 2017, 14:17

Hello and welcome !

I think you should be able to get this info and drawings directly from Lewmar, have you checked their website and have you tried to contact them ?
Otherwise you could contact Alubat SAV, they will certainly try to help you.
All the best, Kev
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Re: Lewmar steering system Ovni 435

Messagepar Meinalubat » 20 Mai 2017, 10:48

Hello Dummy,
I am mainly interested in the experience of repairing this steering column. The lower stop ring is made of normal steel, which is riddled in a few years. The other components are perhaps also not better. Maybe someone can help me in this forum, which has some experience.
Of course, I am in contact with Lewmar. But the trust in this company is not so great, because what I have seen so far in my steering system, is not very trustworthy. And I have not completely dismantled the steering system.

If you have a actual email from Alubat, where I get an answer, would be helpful.
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Re: Re: Lewmar steering system Ovni 435


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