Ovni 345 Vs Ovni 365

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Ovni 345 Vs Ovni 365

Messagepar Gioi » 11 Déc 2016, 07:50

Bonjour, I'm so sorry I'm not able to type in French! I would have a lot of questions..., anyway at least I can read a little bit.
I'm considering to buy a sailing boat for long distance cruises in the range 10.50 - 11.50, capable to give good space for two ppl and all we need to take with us.
In the range I'm considering the 345 and the 365. I have seen one 345 but not yet the 365. The 345 could be fine, let's say we are on the limit. I suppose the 365 will be more spaceful, maybe to much for only two on board.
I would like to get some feedback about those two boats with regard the confort, sail performances, manouvring, seaworthiness... and more you think would be important to know.
Many thanks a tout le monde!
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Inscription: 29 Nov 2016, 20:31

Re: Ovni 345 Vs Ovni 365

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Re: Ovni 345 Vs Ovni 365

Messagepar Dummy » 15 Avr 2017, 18:54

Hi and sorry for this late reply as i had initially not seen your question and 've been busy lately !

Both boats the 345 and the 365 are OK for two people traveling and living on board. See some of the blogs of folks cruising around the world, including some far north (Spitzberg) and far south (Patgonia) regions and crossing the Altlantic, the Pacific, etc

Re performance and seaworthiness both are OK, but the 365 is a much more recent model, quite well designed and actually significantyly longer than the 345 (one meter makes a hell of a difference for this size of boats) and would be much better but more expensive too !
Cheers, Kev
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Inscription: 21 Fév 2007, 09:07

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