Ovni 28 headroom

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Ovni 28 headroom

Messagepar Little Auk » 10 Août 2021, 16:31

Good day Ovni sailors,

First post here. I am in the market for a new (to me) sailboat, and the Ovni line has caught my attention for all the usual reasons.
However I am having some trouble in my online researches, hindered by my lack of French language.

My particular questions is this; what is the headroom of the Ovni 28? I am 1.83m tall, and need to be able to stand in the galley and near the companionway. I would like to be able to stand in the head also, but that's not essential.

I have found a few conflicting accounts online, so I though I would ask if an owner could settle the question with a tape measure.

Here are two documents which give different measurements:

Capture2.JPG (30.19 Kio) Consulté 1177 fois

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated
Little Auk
Messages: 0
Inscription: 05 Août 2021, 12:40

Re: Ovni 28 headroom

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Re: Ovni 28 headroom

Messagepar Dummy » 06 Sep 2021, 08:22

Hello and welcome,
From what can be read (the Ovni 28 is a very old boat with few left) you will be able to stand only close to the companionway under the hatch.
Headroom in the rear cabin and head is close (1m76) but below your height. Some folks have made some changes e.g. installing a door in the companionway, but that doesn't change the headroom in the cabins or toilets.
Best regards, Kev
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O passionné
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Re: Ovni 28 headroom

Messagepar Little Auk » 08 Sep 2021, 18:36

Thanks Kev,
Sounds like the 10cm difference is the height of the hatch above the cabin ceiling. So I wouldn't be able to stand straight in the galley. That's a disappointment, and ultimately a deal breaker for me. A shame because this little boat ticks almost everything else on my wish-list.

Tough to find that headroom in a smaller boat, and I might be forced to go a bit larger into the 35' range. Ah well.
Little Auk
Messages: 0
Inscription: 05 Août 2021, 12:40

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