Rudder servo mechanism

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Rudder servo mechanism

Messagepar guidobaroni » 14 Jan 2014, 15:24

Hi there,
by reading the various posts about rudder problems and maintenance (in my case on a 435) I could not find a reference for replacing the transmission mechanisms (gears) which are inside the rudder column above the deck and that along with the years and use are causing suboptimal transmission between the rudder wheel and axis (you have to move a lot the wheel before feeling that you are acting on the rudder effectively). The system should be a former Whitlock (now Lewmar) but from the Lemar catalog I can only see brand new similar entire systems for sail (the COBRA for example) but not any maintenance kit or whatsoever. Any suggestion ?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Rudder servo mechanism

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Re: Rudder servo mechanism

Messagepar Dummy » 30 Jan 2014, 13:47

Hello Guido,
I have heard some Lewmar resellers were still distributing these spare parts. You may want to contact for instance : and see if they can provide any help
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Re: Rudder servo mechanism

Messagepar mckinlne » 04 Nov 2020, 11:59

If you are talking about the Lewmar pedestal . I have found a good blog

I hope this helps.
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Re: Re: Rudder servo mechanism


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