Rudder spare parts

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Rudder spare parts

Messagepar guidobaroni » 09 Avr 2014, 08:14

SAFRAN 435.jpg
SAFRAN 435.jpg (98.7 Kio) Consulté 1115 fois

Hallo everybody,
I thank you all for the replies I got to my previous questions.
Therefore, here is another one concerning rudder spare parts.

I attach a technical drawing I had from the Italian representative of ALUBAT here in Milano.
What I am asking is whether someone can specify where I can find parts indicates ad "BAGUE ERTA" vwith various numbers and parts "AXE GOUVERNAIL" corresponding to parts number 1 to 10 in the drawing.
On teh drawing there is also acronym of suppliers of these parts (AMPM, SCPM) that I cannot identify and find on the web.
Merci beaucoup for your replies and info.
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Messages: 1
Inscription: 04 Déc 2013, 17:27
Localisation: Milano, Italy

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