New sails for an ovni 345 2003

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New sails for an ovni 345 2003

Messagepar colinmackinnon » 17 Déc 2014, 18:47

I am about to place an order for new sails for a cutter rig on ovni 345.
shall l buy Dacron or the sailmaker tells me a laminate.? (approx 20% more as laminates keeps the shape better.)
or do l do a combination of the two. ?
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Inscription: 02 Nov 2014, 11:35

Re: New sails for an ovni 345 2003

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Re: New sails for an ovni 345 2003

Messagepar Dummy » 17 Déc 2014, 20:33

Hi Colin,

Today there is a large number of various laminates which are in my opinion rather made for racing than cruising.
A sail well cut with a good design in a good quality polyester or Dacron should fit the bill, while we are still lacking experience and feedback for most of the laminates.
Should you want to invest in a more recent material (and more pounds too !) a good compromise is the use of Dyneema or Spectra fibers together with polyester to make the sails shape last longer.
These "hybrid" materials include Hydranet (Radial for radial cuts) from the german company Polyant and Fibercon from Contender (Aussies) less known in continental Europe, but with a good reputation. Also North makes NorLam (different structure) agressively priced but not as good i am told as Hydranet or Fibercon.

Fair winds, Kev
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Re: New sails for an ovni 345 2003

Messagepar colinmackinnon » 19 Déc 2014, 09:47

Hi Kev,
many thanks for the info :)
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Re: Re: New sails for an ovni 345 2003


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